Tuesday, March 27, 2012


It would appear that I do not have enough experience to get any of the jobs I want. I am starting to think that I may have to move outside Utah and Idaho to get one. Perhaps I shall move back east, I could find one there! I have applied for over a dozen jobs and all I get are rejections emails from their computer systems. I am feeling a little down at the moment. Hopefully, something will happen soon!

My little brother leaves very soon for two whole years! I am sad and happy because he will be gone but he is doing a wonderful thing. Go little brother!!!

School is almost over for the semester. I have only a couple of things to do left for all my classes then I am home free for about a week and then it starts all over again. I only have 8 credits next semester which is only two classes. I am just taking the ones I need to graduate in JULY! That is right people I will have my Bachelor's in Nursing in JULY!!! WOOT WOOT!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


The job search isn't going so well. I have applied for several jobs and nothing has come of it. It seems that I do not have enough experience in the field. Well, that would be true, but no one is giving me the opportunity to get experience. SO FRUSTRATING!!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Here goes the job search!

I started to apply for jobs and the first three I applied for I did not get. I do not have enough experience according to all the emails I receive. How I am supposed to get experience if no hospital will let me. I am getting really frustrated! Mom called me and told me to look on Craigslist for other jobs, so I applied for a couple of those and hopefully I will get a call.

Here's wishing!!!