Saturday, June 4, 2011

Random. . .

Let me tell you... the ICU was awesome, except for the part that my patients were very very sick. I felt kind of bad for them. I never ever want to be in a ICU.

The ICU is completely different from a regular hospital floor. I would rather be in the ICU than a floor. Even though the work never stops and I hardly every got the chance to sit down, I would rather work there than the floor. Too bad I get to only go there once. :(

School is going... as good as can be expected. I actually like 4th semester. I have no idea why the previous semesters say it was hard and that the teachers were mean. Yes, there is a lot of studying and busy work, but the teachers are hilarious. I enjoy going to class everyday.

Only 51 days till I graduate I believe. Wow, almost done.

I applied for the BSN program. Hopefully, I will get in and been done within a year. Then perhaps there will be more nursing jobs available. Let's hope!

My little brother is no longer a high schooler. Wow, all my siblings are grown-up. I cannot believe it. Just crazy!