Saturday, March 26, 2011


I had an adventure tonight!

My roommate decided to flush a toilet bowl with no water in it . . . and guess what happened . . .

It started to over flow, it kept going and going and going . . . soon water was on the floor every where . . . all the way to the hall way door. She asked me to call my dad, but I was like he is probably in bed, so she called her mom. We were told to plunge the toilet, but Carolyn did not know how to do it, so I had the privilege of doing it. Ya, standing in water the came from a toilet. Just what I wanted to do at 11:30 pm.

I fixed it!

But there was still water on the floor . . . gross

So that was my adventure for tonight

Monday, March 21, 2011


So only 3 more weeks, then a week and a half off, then four months, and I graduate!!!

If only it were that easy. I have been told by many Fourth semesters that the Fourth semester is the hardest. Great! Just what I need another hard semester, but luckily I will have more spare time next semester, so I will be able to study my brains out more.

So my little brother got Stud 2 in Mr. Box Elder. It was actually quite an entertaining show, I laughed really hard plus I got to wear my really cool shirt made just for him.

Well, I will be posting my next semester schedule later. . . just wait. . . it is brilliant!

Friday, March 18, 2011


Hey everyone!

I have finished my last 12 hour clinical for this semester and it was in Labor and Delivery. I saw twin born by c-section and two other kids born the regular way. It is really cool to see a baby born. However, it makes me think why in the world would anyone do that?, it looks painful. Ooo...ouch!