Monday, November 29, 2010

Almost done...

I made it through my most difficult nursing class, however, I did not make the grade that I wanted it. She is a great teacher and I learned a lot but her tests were the most ridiculous things I have ever taken in my entire life and some questions on her test made me think "where did that come from?". So my grade declined because of these crazy tests that I spent many hours studying for and many hours crying after because of my grade.

Clinicals are going well. I finished my last day of med/surg. YAHOO! I do not like taking care of older people. I want to work in pediatrics or neonatal. For my last three clinicals I get to go to State Hospital South in Blackfoot, which is a Psych hospital. I am a little scared. People with these kind of mental issues give me the heebee jeebees.

Only 2.5 weeks to go till the end of the semester
Only 9 more test to go.
Then I will no longer be a freshmen
I will be a Sophomore

1 comment:

  1. Go Kim Go!! You can do it and don't forget in just three weeks you get to see me again! YAH! That's the best part!
