Saturday, November 13, 2010


It has almost been a month since I last wrote. Holy cow! Just so you know this post is going to be very jumpy. I am going to change from one subject to the other.

School is going well, I am offically done with one nursing class. I took the final today and actually got a decent grade. I was very very happy.

Now this is the teacher that has been causing every one grief with her tests. I swear no matter how hard I study for them and even if I memorized the power points word for word, I still wouldn't do well. and it frustrated me so much, so with much sadness I will be recieveing my first B+ in my entire life. :(

I have one last 5th floor clinical for this semester! I am so excited! I do not like 5th floor really at all. Mostly it is filled with old old sick people. I am not to fond of old old sick people. I would rather work on pediatrics or even with people more my age, not these 70+ year olds. After I am finished with this rotation I get to go to a Psych hospital. (not looking forward to this) perhaps because I have been tainted with all the media telling me these people are... well there isn't a word for it really. I am concerned...

Scenario is on friday! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so very happy for Thanksgiving. I get to see my family. Then after that there is only 3 more weeks of school and then I am home for 3 weeks with no homework! YIPEE. I am so very sick of homework and tests. I take more tests in a week than most people take for one class over the whole semester.

My life is crazy!

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