Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ear . .

The ear saga continues. . .

I went back to Dr. Lee the following Tuesday (October 18) for a follow-up on my ear. He looked inside and said a bunch of crap was still in there. He cleaned it out and put more cream inside and told me to keep it dry still and that he wanted to see me again next week.

I have a really great habit of going to Idaho Falls ever week.

A week went by. . .  my ear feels great! I can't seem to find anything wrong with it. However, I was WRONG!!!!!!!!!

My appointment for October 25, was right after I had a 12 hour clinical night shift. I was super super tired. I had not gotten any sleep in the last 26 hours and I looked the part. Everyone in the office knows me by name now because I have had appointments for the last month and a half. I wasn't in the mood for any bad news about my ear not being better. I never should get my hopes up because it still wasn't better.  Holy Moly! How long can a stinkin' ear infection turned fungal infection last? I mean honestly? what is the deal? Well he cleaned it out again gave me Fluconazole and said see you next week. Gah! Really?

(November 1)Thank heavens my next appointment wasn't right after a clinical. I arrived praying my ear was all better but to my disappointment. . .  it still wasn't. He said we were about 80% of the way there. Now what he put in my ear next was a great surprise to me. He put a chemical the looks a lot like the crystal violet dye in my ear. He said that it would help get rid of the moistness and kill the fungal elements. He also ordered an ear drop to clean all the fungal elements out and see you next week.

This is becoming a habit.

I went on over to Smiths to pick-up the prescription.  Guess what? Smiths did not carry the particular ear drop and said they would have it tomorrow. Now I really didn't want to drive all the way back to Idaho Falls in the morning to pick it back up so I had it transferred to Walmart in Rexburg. However, they did not have it either. Apparently this is not a very popular drug so I had to wait until Wednesday to get it but that was alright with me.

Now because of the purple dye Dr. Lee filled my entire ear canal with, my ear leaked purple everywhere! I was going insane. Purple here purple there. It was never ending!!!

(November 8) I had another all night 12 hour clinical. This clinical didn't make me as sleepy because it was in the ER and there was something to do most of the time. I had a great time listening to all the nurses, especially my preceptor Nick. He was a hoot. I never laughed to hard at clinical in my life. It was great! Sorry off track there for a second. I arrived at Dr. Lee's office 1.5 hours early. I attempted to take a cat nap but it was way to cold to sleep in a car and I even had 2 coats and a blanket and I still froze. Thankfully, Reese (office assistant) gets there about 20 minutes early to open the office. I went inside so I didn't loose any extremities. At 0900 Dr. Lee took a look in my ear and said 90% the way there. Great! I wanted it to 100% of the way there. He told me to keep putting the drops in my ear for the next three days and would like to see me next week.

I honestly don't know what the office will do without me coming every week.

The saga will continue next week . . .

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